Sorry I haven't been on here in awhile, I've been romping around the Philippines for the past week and a half visiting family (which seems like were related to half the Philippines, lol) I've been having a great time, but I do miss things like air conditioning, and hot baths and showers. Oh and I must tell you, if you ever decide to... Read More
I was thinking out coicedently I was talking to another hot chick from San Antonio it turns out you're identical twins... How cool that's a first for me on SG
Hey everyone!!! Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner, I've been out in the middle of nowhere in the Philippines. Just having a good time with the family...but more than ready to head home! lol. Got about another week here and then back to the daily grind!
I will try and log on again to update, not sure when I'll be able to, I'm on a little island right now in there internet cafe.