I had a dream before I awoke the other morning. The Bush administration had so poorly planned their own area's disaster relief that their lives were washed away in a level 5, and the dream ended with Bush Sr. weeping over a remaining, tattered photo of Reagan.
When I dream of flying, I have to pump my arms really hard to gain any flight at all, and I lose any momentum gained very easily, plummeting back to the ground. It's more like a bouncing ball with arms, only I can die if I try to fly from too far up.
The other day I dreamed that I was in London, at some museum so riddled by earthquakes that the stairwells were warped and melted like wax, and one had to climb through the museum as though spelunking.
When I dream of flying, I have to pump my arms really hard to gain any flight at all, and I lose any momentum gained very easily, plummeting back to the ground. It's more like a bouncing ball with arms, only I can die if I try to fly from too far up.
The other day I dreamed that I was in London, at some museum so riddled by earthquakes that the stairwells were warped and melted like wax, and one had to climb through the museum as though spelunking.
sooo -- have you always had disaster/ armageddon type dreams? i have. when i fly in dreams it's often just sort of like swimming in the air, breaststroke, chill.