oh what a trip,... THis Is LIFE....LOVE showed up, & keeps showing up everywhere... which was good while it lasted, even wth the girl i like, she is like so effin cute n difficult. But i think the hardest thing was to realize, more n more... that she wasn't for me... what a fuckin let down. i just lookin for something tht wasnt there ...
I anm gnna kick ass this quarter, let everthing come to me effortlessly; Love, Money, great Health, cute ass girls, gnna take successful action in my career opportiunities: Deejaying, Graphic arts/3D Design, Being the Transformational Zen Buddhist...just for fun
I anm gnna kick ass this quarter, let everthing come to me effortlessly; Love, Money, great Health, cute ass girls, gnna take successful action in my career opportiunities: Deejaying, Graphic arts/3D Design, Being the Transformational Zen Buddhist...just for fun
these last few days have been a freakin rollercoater.. thank god to be startin over ... in 2010.... Gnna Pop Lok n Drop it!! gnna Rooock Wit It!! Rooock Wit It!! Rooock Wit It!! Shinin LOVE, brightly, beautifully ... i have lots planned to move me forward in life... wth my art, my music, my love ... then Rooock Wit It!! LOVE showin up, & keep it showing up everywhere... Money, great Health, cute ass girls, gnna take successful action in my career opportiunities: Unleashin my Deejaying, my Graphic arts/3D Design, Being the Transformational Zen Buddhist... 

gotta do what i do.... mind my own .. business.. i dunno how i got into this.. situtaion..... well.. i am movin on.. i sometimes don't know.. what chicks are thinkin... i wish they would just talk straight,.. then evrything ... would flow better ... there's a reason.. why i stay away from certain.. i am just gnna do things differently... just avoid the drama girls... like just completely avoid... so i can have some peace of mind.. and get what i want... without the bullshit . good lord... just when i was startin to trust someone.... freakin unbelievable... i need my space and focus