Been doin lots of things that'll move me 4ward, DOIN WHAT I LOVE ... Been drawing a lot, practicing my 3D, ... been... and creatin my life ... regardless ... i'm gnna just move forward.. wth no bullshit get between me, and what "i" want in life... cuz ultimately... it's my life, my choices, and no one else's .. i love what i do:my music/DJ, my successful commissioned Tattoo PinUp art, how i create the miraculous, by listening first then manifesting the miraculous by merely communicating it ... even if haters/the clueless /negative nancies , do what they do best, damn those people suck... ... and miss out on thier own life's miraculous moments, cuz they're too so focused on hating ... it's just sad/pathetic . U can lead a horse to water, but it doesn't mean that horse will get a fuckin clue, and cut out the bullshit.. with it's shotty outlook on life. Fuckin amazing... not in a good way either.
I am removing myself from that kind of situation. I have bigger and better things to attend to.. i need my room to breathe & create exactly what i want, to make things move miraculously , where they have not been moving.... & i am not holding back, no permission or approval, no apologizing, or stopping to smooth things out with unconcious haterz ....that don't have the ability to listen/never listened/ might never ever listen or be contributed to... it's my life Dammit. I'll just leave haterz.. . amazed and stuck in their own self created mess.
I am removing myself from that kind of situation. I have bigger and better things to attend to.. i need my room to breathe & create exactly what i want, to make things move miraculously , where they have not been moving.... & i am not holding back, no permission or approval, no apologizing, or stopping to smooth things out with unconcious haterz ....that don't have the ability to listen/never listened/ might never ever listen or be contributed to... it's my life Dammit. I'll just leave haterz.. . amazed and stuck in their own self created mess.

After everything i have been thru... i've learned a coupple of things... and still learnin... i don't want to stop educating myself... even when i'm being a brat. I still want to learn s much as i can...
There's is no limit, only we get to say.. how we limit ourselves or we liberate ourselves , to have the miraculous manifests itself in our lives, we do it accidentally,sometimes, & we quickly forget.... how we made it happen.... we have millions upon millions of options, in this life, ....ifffff we just look for them.... just notice .... how much we can create, with our words, our ideas, ... it's exactly what expands our world.. to shape the world or communities into the world we want to live in. In spite of life's unpredicatble obstacles. It's a very optimistic way of looking at things... and it is also one of many ways to keep moving.. where others stop( ahh too bad)... because of all thier accumalated past (we all, as human beings, collect:all the memories of where things didn't work out as we wanted them to, & then automatically turns pple into resigned human beings)
Instead we can practice someting else... to free us of all , of that confining way of being.... we can keep creating... the LOVE( if U choose to )... in our lives.. which is an abstraction for many, it goes against thier resignation, or all thier evidence, of bad circumstances or thwarted intentions ......they've/we've accumilated thru the years.. because... all they've/we've see is... where they have no love....always looking for what we don't have.... which is a childish thing we all do. y... it's just the pitfalls we fall into .. dammit.
Just Look .... for the love.. for what calls to you .... in th everythingness that , you/I/we do.
In spite of the circumstances.... or as others like to say.. "the challenges" ... and we have plenty right now.
i am just gettin on the court,& playin the game of life... so i can triumph over my obstacles, as everyone else is , ... cuz i need to, i want to. And it's what inspires others too... also ... to live out their dreams.
It's what we all want dammit!!!
This one chica ... that shines above all the other beauties....... which i never expected to like her, but i guess, i 'm comfortable with just being friends , i just loved talkin and joking with her .... she just brightens my day up... ... ...i just like being around her vibrant energy ... i shine when she talks & smiles at me... or just visits with me... she's soo damn cute. ... and she looks so damn good in them jeans... i would be her personal slave(more than just housecleaning, ...LOL)... if she'd have me... just for one day.... or more
But "I" gots!!! ta stay focused on my Animation n Graphic Design degree,.... evrything else will fall into place...