Soooo i thought i fixed my a/c last week but apparently not, it started fucking up again, and driving around in 100 degree heat with no a/c sucks ass. I found the culprit and got it fixed but i spent fourteen hours working on my car yesterday. Had to tear apart my car cause this simple 30$ part is buried under the dash. Im am...
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My fiance bought the system for me a little over a year ago when i started chemo so id have something to do while i was home. I was all excited about it, we bought twelve games and i immeditely upgraded it to a 2 tb memory. Ive only used it a total of ten hours in the past year. Due to side affects from...
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Just some randomness since im watching UMF on youtube, my fiance doesnt care to watch any of the edm festival sets that are on youtube because "its not the same as being there", but when i turn the sound up and with our big screen tv, i almost feel like im there. I LOVE edm and some of my best memories are from a venue...
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Ugh not tired...been raving out since i got home from work at 3am watching ultra music fest on youtube and drinking jack, gotta get ready for work again in 5 hours and im not sleepy 😤