- on drsocks's status update
- on rig0rm0rtis's blog post
- on datakult's photo
- on ultramarie's blog post
I'm now __officially__ a geezer. I've got my first pair of bifocals....
thanks a lot

Vinyl! oh wow, I had no idea old vinyl would be such fun. I've started a massive project, archiving flatmate's collection. I figure a year and a half, and a good 80G (flac, what else?)
Thank you for your lovely comment on my set <3
Thx for comment and support on my MR set
kisses ^^

kisses ^^
The Empress Moonshine
I really should update more often, I should have things happening. Work is. I'm still in the same place there, though I have managed to shift things a bit, making the hell a bit more comfortable. This month I really need to finally get myself a camera and put up a pic, hopefully of me climbing, or falling off, a wall. Yes yes,
get a camera. I've had endless fun with mine. seriously, you'll never regret it. film is wonderful but you're always thinking of not "wasting" a photo. now its about not wasting the photo opp.

Thanks for the sweet comment on my set The Touch, The Feel!!! 

GRRRR. Seems my hopes of a career change are on hold for a bit longer, nothing I'm doing seems to be working. I need a direction that will actually get me somewhere. I can't stand being where I am, and I don't know where to go from here. Sometimes dispair sets in, sometimes apathy.
yup, life is indeed pretty grand.
Thats such a fustrating feeling I'm sorry!
Tentative first steps on the job search....a place that sounds perfect told me to call back in a month, and a month has gone by, so at least a letter and a visit later today, we shall see what we shall see. Hope hope hope!

good luck with your job hunt... I hope it's panned out for you

Stess and sillyness at work, foolish people strutting about as if they really are important when they, as the bard said "aid the storm"
The begingings of a half-harted job search, a new direction, something new, something involving learning. It would be nice if I was more confident and/or had someone who could "get me in" and I didn't have to cold call, go through...
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The begingings of a half-harted job search, a new direction, something new, something involving learning. It would be nice if I was more confident and/or had someone who could "get me in" and I didn't have to cold call, go through...
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thank you for the sweet words on my set
as for your vices... I love the smell of pipe smoke

as for your vices... I love the smell of pipe smoke
Christmas was wonderful. Got woken up far too early by my nephew, but he is eight so what else could you expect but a wake up call when you comming over when when when?
i hope your new year has been equally wonderful!
Wading through data sheets learning way more than I ever wanted to about bearings. A work project that may just have gotten a bit out of control, or maybe I'm just trying to distract myself from missing someone who abruptly left. At least I'm being productive.
It sounds like you have the right idea. Dealing with shit like that sucks. Kiss for you!

Hellooo Iscatel. Where have you been? Hope things are going better for you lately. xoxoxo
A bridge burnt open wound
sad look across the chasm
foolish barbs of life
sad look across the chasm
foolish barbs of life

i like words that need deciphering.
I'm still enjoying the puzzle. and boardgames. they should make a travel monopoly. too many pieces though i guess.
Computers are wonderful when they work. When they stop working, they become money pits. Mine just stopped printing a few days ago, I traced that to the motherboard. Yank it out, put in a new one, kiss $150 goodbye. Then, since so much changed, reinstall two OSs. Now I've just got to do the final installs of all the extras that I had, and I'll...
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i agree... when they stop working.... it sucks. I can never afford to fix mine when it breaks because it always happens at the most inopportune time!