I'm in another shitty mood. I think it's due to lack of sleep, my utter stupidity & latent PMS!!
I only got about 4 hours of sleep. Had a great time dancing last night in a cute costume I picked up at Savers for $6! It was a white dress with black accents in early 1900's style & a straw hat with a black ribbon band. I put white powder on my face & drew veins & black eyeshadow. I was a drowning victim on the Titanic!
I dressed up in a punk rock kinda outfit at work. Something I would normally wear out dancing. Lots of zippers, studs, leather & fishnet stockings. That was fun. Of course, I explained to everyone that it wasn't really dressing up for me because I wear funky stuff like that when I go out dancing.
Filled out my mail-in ballot & dropped it in the mail at lunchtime! Worked dilligently all day long. Drank coffee all day. Ate a lot of candy. Anything to stay awake! Then I promptly made a total ass out of myself at Costco's gas pump! I locked myself out of my Xterra with the fucking keys in the ignition! Luckily, the attendant had a cordless phone which I used to call my car dealership & they connected me with my roadside assistance company. It only took 30 minutes before the tow truck arrived to open the door. Didn't cost anything, except embarrassment & time...
The real thing I'm angry at myself for is not getting a ticket to see Marilyn Manson tonight! I was broke until today's payday & didn't want to use a credit card. I could've gotten a ticket yesterday at Ticketmonster. But I didn't. Apparently they don't sell tickets at the door on the day of the show either!
So now I hafta decide whether to just go sleep or get dressed up again to go watch my friend's band & get my tarot cards read....
I'm feeling angry & cranky. Not sure if I wanna be out & about.
MOOD: pissy
MUSIC: Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost
I'm in a better state of mind today. I couldn't really afford to see that concert last night, so it's just as well. I had a fun time at Hot Pink, so it's all good. Goin' to Sadisco tonight. Should be a blast. The theme is NY club kids.

I only got about 4 hours of sleep. Had a great time dancing last night in a cute costume I picked up at Savers for $6! It was a white dress with black accents in early 1900's style & a straw hat with a black ribbon band. I put white powder on my face & drew veins & black eyeshadow. I was a drowning victim on the Titanic!
I dressed up in a punk rock kinda outfit at work. Something I would normally wear out dancing. Lots of zippers, studs, leather & fishnet stockings. That was fun. Of course, I explained to everyone that it wasn't really dressing up for me because I wear funky stuff like that when I go out dancing.
Filled out my mail-in ballot & dropped it in the mail at lunchtime! Worked dilligently all day long. Drank coffee all day. Ate a lot of candy. Anything to stay awake! Then I promptly made a total ass out of myself at Costco's gas pump! I locked myself out of my Xterra with the fucking keys in the ignition! Luckily, the attendant had a cordless phone which I used to call my car dealership & they connected me with my roadside assistance company. It only took 30 minutes before the tow truck arrived to open the door. Didn't cost anything, except embarrassment & time...

The real thing I'm angry at myself for is not getting a ticket to see Marilyn Manson tonight! I was broke until today's payday & didn't want to use a credit card. I could've gotten a ticket yesterday at Ticketmonster. But I didn't. Apparently they don't sell tickets at the door on the day of the show either!

So now I hafta decide whether to just go sleep or get dressed up again to go watch my friend's band & get my tarot cards read....
I'm feeling angry & cranky. Not sure if I wanna be out & about.

MOOD: pissy
MUSIC: Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost
I'm in a better state of mind today. I couldn't really afford to see that concert last night, so it's just as well. I had a fun time at Hot Pink, so it's all good. Goin' to Sadisco tonight. Should be a blast. The theme is NY club kids.

well tomorrow's another day...hopefully full of chocalate kisses and jellybean hugs
and sex
lots of it
but not too much where it gets boring