we talked to her! and it wasn't NEARLY as bad as we thought it was going to be. we caught her while she was in a decent mood and we explained the reasons in a completely non-attacking-you way and, while she was definately upset, she did agree that there were certain issues that couldn't be resolved. i have a feeling that she didn't really like living with us either. which is fine, whatever.
we're moving in about three weeks. tiny house, with a yard and pink shutters. omg. i can't wait. this is the happiest i've been in months.
we still have a shit ton of stuff to worry about though - like, if we can't find new tenants in three weeks, we lose our deposit ($600) which is a lot, and regardless, we have to pay a $250 breaking the lease fee. and then next month, we have to pay this place's rent ($600) and a full month's rent on the new place plus their pet deposit ($675) even though we'll only have lived there a week, but that's only to ensure them that we're serious and then the month after that will be pro-rated on the new place so the next month will only be $140. basically, this coming month is gonna be very hard monetarily, but the month after will be very easy. it'll balance out. assuming we find tenants that is - we have to continue paying rent on our current place until new tenants are found.
so keep an eye out, you guys that like the shit i make - i might be having to sell some more of my art pieces in the near future to afford this.
some of the ones that i don't want to sell, but that i know a bunch of people expressed interest in.
we're moving in about three weeks. tiny house, with a yard and pink shutters. omg. i can't wait. this is the happiest i've been in months.
we still have a shit ton of stuff to worry about though - like, if we can't find new tenants in three weeks, we lose our deposit ($600) which is a lot, and regardless, we have to pay a $250 breaking the lease fee. and then next month, we have to pay this place's rent ($600) and a full month's rent on the new place plus their pet deposit ($675) even though we'll only have lived there a week, but that's only to ensure them that we're serious and then the month after that will be pro-rated on the new place so the next month will only be $140. basically, this coming month is gonna be very hard monetarily, but the month after will be very easy. it'll balance out. assuming we find tenants that is - we have to continue paying rent on our current place until new tenants are found.
so keep an eye out, you guys that like the shit i make - i might be having to sell some more of my art pieces in the near future to afford this.

Vicious- you hit me with a flower.