me and the lathe (big machine what spins wood around real fast) had an incident today. i'm rather disappointed though that i don't have any new scars to show for it, unlike my incident with the table saw a couple years back. it was probably for the best though that i wasn't struck by the huge chunk of mahogany that flew thirty feet across the room. art is dangerous, yo. anyway now my project is in five or six pieces. i'm totally just gonna drill a shit ton of holes through it though and sew it back together with copper wire. fuckah.
i have most of my furniture n stuff moved over to my new apartment now, all that's left is everything else.
regrets are for pussies, so, i'm gonna say i don't have any.
i have most of my furniture n stuff moved over to my new apartment now, all that's left is everything else.
regrets are for pussies, so, i'm gonna say i don't have any.
At my high school reunion a couple of years ago I was talking to one of those 'prom queen' types about our lives. She had just recently added a room onto her house (by herself) and so had I. At the same time we both said, "Want to go to Home Depot?" I think it would be a perfect first date. Congrats on the new drill press. Remember it's not just for drilling. You can use it with sanding wheels and other things. Do you subscribe to any magazines (i.e. Handy)? We should start a power tool group (LOL).
Wooooman! Do you have a diamond bandsaw? Or access to one?: