happy janie



i <3 my puppies.
so tonight, i was outside grilling some little steaks and i see one of the neighborhood stray cats has wandered into the yard and is eyeing the grill. so i ran inside to grab a cat carrier and some bait, took it back out and set a trap. i -almost- nabbed her: she was 3/4 in the crate when i tried to shut the door, but her leg got caught and i didn't want to hurt her so i let her back out. she ran off, but only so far as the fence at the side of my yard. by this point, i realized my little steaks were probably burning, so i took them off the grill and put them on the porch while i ran inside for more cat food. i came back outside just in time to see her running off with a steak in her mouth.
i have named her la bandita de carne.
if she ever comes back, which she probably will (who -wouldn't- come back to the place that gave you a fucking free steak?), i'll try to set up a little bit better of a trap and see if i can catch her. at the very least, i can get her spayed before releasing her back; but she seemed fairly friendly for a feral (and pretty young) so she might be able to transition to a house cat if given the chance. at least she's well-fed for tonight...
Try tying a string to the back of the cat carrier door, and string it out through one of the holes in the side so when you pull it the door shuts. Then you don't need to be anywhere near it.
Cool stuff