so we decided to give salvia (the herb, not the spit) another chance, and this time i had an out of body experience. i don't really remember much from it, except that i was in a bright blue room with pictures hanging on the walls, and my lasting impression was that it was like a kindergarten classroom with a bunch of people sitting in a circle around a storyteller. when i came out of it, it felt like floating out of a dream, where i could still see the blue room receding in the background. it was kind of a struggle to come back, it felt like trying really hard to wake up from a dream. i really, really wish i could remember more of what the storyteller was saying. i feel like i missed out on a secret of the universe or something.
needless to say, i am very impressed and retract my previous statement about salvia being sucky. come to me, divine secrets.
antimony did it at the same time as me and had a very similar experience, except she started coming down before me and saw me hunched over on the bed and thought i was a turtle and kept screaming about how i was a turtle.
she thinks i'm slow
needless to say, i am very impressed and retract my previous statement about salvia being sucky. come to me, divine secrets.
antimony did it at the same time as me and had a very similar experience, except she started coming down before me and saw me hunched over on the bed and thought i was a turtle and kept screaming about how i was a turtle.
she thinks i'm slow

I once posted that you couldn't get much hotter than the writing on the wall set. I was wrong

salvia makes my time space continuum fold... the first time, i was very sensitive to my surroundings changing, to the point where i pushed my friends aaron down on the couch when her tried to get up and pass the bong... the second time, i world was curving in a spiral (possibly due to much shroomy spiraling universe talk earlier and also that i was sitting on a hill) anyway, these two guys started asking me if i thought girls should have short hair (which i do and is also a feminist issue in my world) so i asked them how dare they bring up this subject while my world was folded... the third time, i had an experience similar to yours, the room turned all pink and bubble-ish and elves were hiding the secrets of the world behind the furniture... weeiiiiiirrrrddddd shit, man (please forgive typos... i have no patience for proofreading...)