we took emma kitten to the vet and she does have a little cold like we thought. she's got some antibiotics now to help clear up that and her weird nose sore. i've still been making her breathe steam any time she seems particularly congested and i've been diligently picking her boogies for her. aww. i swear, i'd be a fucking awesome mother if only human babies came shaped like kittens.
and the good news is that the big lump she has is not cancer - it's a hernia in her abdominal wall, which is easily fixable with surgery. the better news is that we found a vet to do the surgery for us for free (!!!) which is really incredibly fucking nice of them, 'cos the estimate for it at our normal vet was $400 and i really didn't want to have to sell a kidney quite so soon in my life. we've tentatively scheduled her surgery for december first, to give her time to get over her cold and gain a little strength first. it's not causing her any pain or anything right now, but there is a risk of it tearing or enlarging as she grows and that'd be bad, so surgery is necessary but not immediately so.
but she's healthy otherwise! and should easily make complete recoveries from what's going on now. i'm so happy.
and the good news is that the big lump she has is not cancer - it's a hernia in her abdominal wall, which is easily fixable with surgery. the better news is that we found a vet to do the surgery for us for free (!!!) which is really incredibly fucking nice of them, 'cos the estimate for it at our normal vet was $400 and i really didn't want to have to sell a kidney quite so soon in my life. we've tentatively scheduled her surgery for december first, to give her time to get over her cold and gain a little strength first. it's not causing her any pain or anything right now, but there is a risk of it tearing or enlarging as she grows and that'd be bad, so surgery is necessary but not immediately so.
but she's healthy otherwise! and should easily make complete recoveries from what's going on now. i'm so happy.

There was a housewarming party?

love you