the move went spectacularly - we got everything moved on saturday. thanks go out to my awesome friends (including the lovely cheech) who helped make that possible.
i fucking LOVE our new house. words cannot express how awesome it is. we finally finally have what we always wanted: a ferret room. we turned it into a combination ferret and computer room, so we can be in here supervising them play whilst not being bored. this leaves our bedroom with a very nice amount of open space - something i've been sorely missing.
we just need to finish unpacking, and i'm gonna build a little gate so the backyard is completely enclosed and teacake can play in it.
at night, instead of there being loud music and drunken idiots everywhere, we can hear crickets. and we can see the stars. it's beautiful. this is as close to home as i've gotten in this stupid little city.
i fucking LOVE our new house. words cannot express how awesome it is. we finally finally have what we always wanted: a ferret room. we turned it into a combination ferret and computer room, so we can be in here supervising them play whilst not being bored. this leaves our bedroom with a very nice amount of open space - something i've been sorely missing.
we just need to finish unpacking, and i'm gonna build a little gate so the backyard is completely enclosed and teacake can play in it.
at night, instead of there being loud music and drunken idiots everywhere, we can hear crickets. and we can see the stars. it's beautiful. this is as close to home as i've gotten in this stupid little city.
congrats, awesome

I want to come and visit... naked!