Well... Here I am, back to my fucking reality... Until yesterday I was enjoying the greatest party of the world!
Brazilian Carnival! What a week Ive had! Somethimes I could swear I wouldnt survive! Unhappily I did. Or happily, once now Im part of SG community! Yay!!!!
About SG, what is Voltaires new set? Wonderful, no words for that....
And guys, wish you all have a great Sunday... Now Im going to have some Feijoada for lunch... hummmm!

Brazilian Carnival! What a week Ive had! Somethimes I could swear I wouldnt survive! Unhappily I did. Or happily, once now Im part of SG community! Yay!!!!
About SG, what is Voltaires new set? Wonderful, no words for that....
And guys, wish you all have a great Sunday... Now Im going to have some Feijoada for lunch... hummmm!

oi...bem vinda ao SG!
acho q na metade de maro...se tudo correr bem!