So, I have officially begun watching ANGEL. The first few episodes were.....meh. I think I was trying to compare it with BUFFY too much.......but they're two different shows, so I forced myself to pull back.

So far so good......I hope Buffy shows up more in the show -- love Sarah Michelle Gellar, she's a cutie.

In other news, I am continuing to run on the treadmill...
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Okay, so I'm gonna need you to call me everyday and yell at me to get my lazy ass on the treadmill, or at the very least off the couch and do something that involves movement.

yess indeedy biggrin
So I just finished watching BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER.......I must say.....it was a pretty fantastic series. The ending was pretty awesome, and left with a question that is bluntly asked; but not one that necessarily needs an answer -- you can assume on your own.

Now the question is.......do I want to continue season eight in comic book format? I'm not 100% sure yet; although...
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you should read the comics for season 8. I only managed to get ahold of the first 3 issues, but they're pretty good so far. Nowhere near as good as the show, but worth a read just the same.
you have great taste in tv, and film.
AND you're friends with b1gfatho.
therefore you must be awesome smile
So, about a month ago I started to watch BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER; I must say.....Joss Whedon is a pretty awesome d00d.

Season 1 wasn't all that fantastic, but I stuck with it because I knew the show is supposed to be great. I'm glad I did. Season 5 is probably my favorite one so far; Season 6 being the most twisted and dark. Right...
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Six was my favorite by far! If you like Joss Whedon, have you seen Firefly? His best work, in my opinion.
So, my well-thought out plan to watch all of Christopher Nolan's movies in order has slowly, but surely, become a failure.However, I did manage to watch the two movies of his that I hadn't seen, which were Following and The Prestige. With that being said, I have a question.

What exactly happened at the end of The Prestige? Did both of them live or did...
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Hugh Jackman is dead. It was just how Nolan decided to film it at the end that made it look interestingly like he might still be alive.

Inception was excellent. I watched it once at the arclight and once at a laemmle in claremont, both were great. What'd you think?
So I have officially begun my Christopher Nolan phase in preparation of the highly anticipated Inception; I will be watching his movies in order.

So, with that being said, I just finished watching Following. Wow, talk about talent. In his directorial debut Christopher Nolan creates a movie that is a borderline masterpiece. This movie proves that storytelling is far more important than a...
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Look at this, your back on the site. Enjoy it sir.

Also enjoy them Nolan flicks, they are excellent.
Hey there everyone! I haven't been on here in forever!

Well, let's cut to the chase and get the ball rolling.

I would like to start off by thanking whoever activated my account for the next three months; this was a very welcomed gift and is greatly appreciated. I'm not sure who did it, but I thank whoever did. love

So, now that I'm back due...
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Welcome back
I haven't made a blog in like a month..........but here's a new one!

I get to do my research paper on my favorite movie -- Psycho! I'm so excited and happy for this, zomgz. winkeeekloveconfusedsmilebiggrin
Amazing movie! The way Hitchcock laid out the shower scene with music is just genius film making.
Hey More, I haven't seen Psyco yet. I know it's supposed to be awesome and truthfully I don't know if i can watch it cause I'm used t the modern way of filming with quick cuts and quicker plots.
So.....I have to head out to class in about an hour and a half........ugh........school effin blows. I hate it with a passion. That is all.
Hate is fun biggrin
you should check fb for what im doing.
So, I just got done playing football with some friends....and I'm tired as hell. It was awesome though, especiallly the end where I got two touchdowns in like a minute (literally) lol. But yeah, I'm exhausted.

Point of the story? I needa lose weight so I can play more than an hour without dying.

That is all.
Hey, if you want to lose weight than I can be your weight loss buddy. Trade tips, talk about the difficulty and motivate each other.
Merry Christmas Eve everyone! smile

Hope everyone has a happy holiday wink
Merry Christmas. How did you like avatar?
I'm just about the worst person to ask for advice, personally I would just ignore the fucking problem for as long as humanly possible.