The Walking Dead season 2 made my penis do the Pinnochio dance.biggrinwink
I am soooooo excited for season 2 of THE WALKING DEAD!!!
Hey hey hey! I'm backkkkk, and this time for a year! lovesmileconfusedwink

So, according to my last blog entry's date.....it's been a year since I've been a member. Oh how time flies by.

Well, I guess I'll do a little "catch up on this awesome Ryan dude" blog.

So, sadly, I'm still at Mt. Sac, but things are going GREAT right now. I'm working on the...
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So, school is still going great. I'm acing all my classes so far, which is a College first for me; I plan to keep it that way!

Hmmmm, what else......

Oh oh, also, my birthday just passed and my parents got me a 5.1 surround system for my bedroom. Now, I'm not getting true 5.1 surround since I don't have a receiver for my TV,...
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HMMMMMMMMM, so I guess it's been almost a month since I've had a new blog on here. EEEK.

So let's see.....I'm now about 1/3rd of the way through this semester....which is awesome. So far all my classes are going A-Okay, and I'm actually trying; the lowest grade I've received for anything has been about a 98%. CHACHING -- my "hard" work is paying off thus...
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So, it turns out that the Professor for my Journalism class jumped ship the last minute and took a full time job closer to where [s]he lives; I'm now down to 3 classes. Pretty lame that all his/her students get boned because of this.

Anyhow, so far the 3 remaining classes that I have seem fairly relaxed; I'm not too worried about any of them....
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So random post that has nothing to do with anything:

I finished season 6 of The Office, and it's not necessarily a bad last episode. I mean, it's actually a pretty good episode, it's just that it doesn't feel like a last episode. It feels more like some episode somewhere in the middle of the season, so you have nothing to fear. I actually think it's a pretty damn good season.
So come one luv, give us a new blog.
So........I really want to watch Scott Pilgrim vs. the World again.....I'm craving it. lovebiggrinkissARRR!!!

Onto a more "serious" topic -- SCHOOL IS BACK IN SESSION! So far it all seems very chill, nothing that will throw me any curve balls or anything of the likes. So far I've had 3 out of the 4 classes I signed up for: Study, Read, and this Financial Management class;...
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YEAH! I converted you into a ridiculous Scott Pilgrim fan!!

And yeah, hopefully this semester turns out to be pretty awesome.
I have now been to the movies three, that's right, THREE, days in a row....I haven't done that......ever lol.

First day, which was Wednesday, I watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World -- I wasn't overly impressed with it, but it was fun and entertaining.

Second day, Thursday, I watched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World AGAIN. The second time around I must say I enjoyed it...
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So, I just finished watching Mr. Whedon's spinoff of BUFFY -- ANGEL.

While I wasn't quite as fond of the ANGEL finale like I was with the BUFFY one, I can understand why it was that way -- it shows that ANGEL will be fighting for the good guys for eternity; he will always be the Vampire with a soul.

So, now I am going...
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I have come up with a horrible way for me to lose weight. It's crude, kind of disgusting, but I'm sure it'll work.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Basically I wouldn't allow myself to masturbate until I lose the first 10 pounds, then not until every 5 pounds after that.


So, I finished the first season of ANGEL a week ago and right now I am about half way through the second season; I must say, the second season is much, MUCH better.

The first season didn't really have a story for the whole thing, just individual episode stories; the second one, however, does have a story --- which is a past 'love.'

Hmmmm. Yup.......
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Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. smile It's part of this 30-day rant challenge I'm doing. I might post the others if they turn out as well.
Yeah, I haven't seen it, but that was the event that closed out comic con this year.