I haven't been sick for like a year...and now...bam! Thank you, you germ infected people!

I've been surrounded by sick people over the last couple of weeks, and I thought I was safe...guess I spoke too soon frown
Itssssssss Friday! Woohoo! Let the weekend begin.

Oh wait, I'm sick. Guess I'll be spending this weekend in bed. It kinda works out for me though; I have a lot of homework to do. surreal

Hmm. So I need some pot. HOOK ME UP! biggrin
Sooo, last night I went to a GREAT party out in San Diego....lots of beer pong, slutty costumes, and just an overall awesome time. biggrin

Today I will be celebrating my step-Dad's birthday smile should be a nice day.
Thank you for my birthday, I hope your step dad have a memorable day for his own birthday.
The Kindle Fire is slowly approaching...and my undies need an extra changing everyday because of the excitement... blush

So, today I shall go and get an oil change. Oh, and it's my daddies birthday smile No other plans so far since we're celebrating his birthday tomorrow...anyone want to change that? kiss
Just one more day at the radio station and this week is over. This week has been quite stressful...oh the drama.

So, I'm getting pretty excited for the Kindle Fire...only a few more weeks!

I need plans for this weekend! Unfortunately my friends suck! Lol
I seriously need some new fuckin friends.

Oh another note. I got my second tattoo done smile
nice post pictures!!!
I get my next two tattoos today! I'm so excited!

On other news. I've really been craving a cigarette...even though I've never smoked one before. Odd, I know. I think I just want a relaxant that I can use outside; obviously alcohol or pot is out of the question...zzz

So, I officially dropped my English class. I was so far behind and things were becoming too overwhelming for me. I also spoke to a counselor and she had advised me to take the W if I had any doubt in my mind as to whether or not I'd pass the class.

So that's that...

Guru out!
Everything happens for a reason smile
Today has been an absolutely terrible one...one more class to go.

Can't fuckin wait for Friday to get here. Im gonna get fucked up, even if it's by myself.

Oh a happier note, I get my next two tattoos on Sunday smile
So, today is Tuesday and I'm already having one hell of a week. And it's only going to get worse...

Thank God for alcohol.