So, I just finished watching Mr. Whedon's spinoff of BUFFY -- ANGEL.
While I wasn't quite as fond of the ANGEL finale like I was with the BUFFY one, I can understand why it was that way -- it shows that ANGEL will be fighting for the good guys for eternity; he will always be the Vampire with a soul.
So, now I am going to finally start catching up with DEXTER, because........well, if you've seen the show, you know how utterly fantastic it is; I'm on season 4 right now.
Hmmmm, something a bit more "useful" than television shows........I've still been going at the treadmill. I'm trying to work in some uphill runs, but.....oh boy is it tiring for me.
HMMMMMMMMM, well that's it for now folks. I hope everyones doing great!

While I wasn't quite as fond of the ANGEL finale like I was with the BUFFY one, I can understand why it was that way -- it shows that ANGEL will be fighting for the good guys for eternity; he will always be the Vampire with a soul.
So, now I am going to finally start catching up with DEXTER, because........well, if you've seen the show, you know how utterly fantastic it is; I'm on season 4 right now.
Hmmmm, something a bit more "useful" than television shows........I've still been going at the treadmill. I'm trying to work in some uphill runs, but.....oh boy is it tiring for me.
HMMMMMMMMM, well that's it for now folks. I hope everyones doing great!

Basically I wouldn't allow myself to masturbate until I lose the first 10 pounds, then not until every 5 pounds after that.