Another weekend gone and another year older
Didn't get up to any mischief for the birthday.... could care less about birthdays. It's just a number that bears no reflection on how young or old you feel.
Many seem to thing it bears a reflection on how you should act ... but fuck them
Thankx for the birthday wishes ladies
You have no idea how much it means to have two of the sexiest women on the planet wish me a happy day
Stay cool

Didn't get up to any mischief for the birthday.... could care less about birthdays. It's just a number that bears no reflection on how young or old you feel.
Many seem to thing it bears a reflection on how you should act ... but fuck them

Thankx for the birthday wishes ladies

Stay cool
He is my mate for life...I do not want a life w/anyone else or a family w/anyone else...I just have issues to get out of my system...and I need things to change in our lives together...I know it will all work out eventually...