Trying to be less of an antagonistic prick this year and have done well so far, by not mentioning the double standards of the US powers that be, in granting POW status to Sadam. The man who comitted genocide, chemical attacks against a foreign nation (Oops cant mention that 'cause the chemicals were supplied by US companies) and kept weapons of mass destruction (Yeah right). While the folks who were kidnaped from Afghanistan are still persona non gratia.
In other words Sadam is destined to go free ( Just watch, bet it will happen) while most of the captured army, defending their official govt against US invasion will be given the death penalty by a US military tribunal (Just watch, Bet it will happen). Would love to be found wrong on this one....but i'm a sceptic.
As to everything else. Life has been up and way way down last couple of days.
Im my own worst enemy, but at least I had a breaskthrough and have worked out how I set my self up for failure...after failure...after...
Now to bloody fix it.
Have a great day and
Cheers from down under.
In other words Sadam is destined to go free ( Just watch, bet it will happen) while most of the captured army, defending their official govt against US invasion will be given the death penalty by a US military tribunal (Just watch, Bet it will happen). Would love to be found wrong on this one....but i'm a sceptic.
As to everything else. Life has been up and way way down last couple of days.
Im my own worst enemy, but at least I had a breaskthrough and have worked out how I set my self up for failure...after failure...after...
Now to bloody fix it.
Have a great day and
Cheers from down under.

How are things?

Thank you!
I'll let you know who wins my war.