So here I am. Hanging out at school. The wireless sucks. Maybe I'll do like Patrick says and murder all the other people with laptops to ensure I get a better signal. BWA HAHAHAHAHA!

Comp was fairly easy. Five essays to do over the semester, no sweat. I'm a bullshit artist!

Lots of pretty girls here. Why was I not informed sooner? I'd have just...
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You and Me for the end of forever love

Sounds like you got this school thing licked! And they have wireless as well as pretty girls? I might have to re evaluate my idea of schools.
I understand the boredom part for sure. I remember that always being the case.
And of course i also remember the stern talking to i got for my choice of Fangoria and some old Gore shriek comics as my reading material. Aaah, memories.
I start school today! Woo!

I am excited. Does it show yet?

Dani and I are still friends. We had a long talk. She knows how I feel about her and just doesn't want to hurt me. Hmm I keep hearing that. Am I truly some fragile thing?

I burned through all my comics too fast, I'm out of stuff to read again already!

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What us? Actually yeah, probably ( but don't tell anyone ).
You sir, are going to ruin my bank account if you don't stop throwing comics at me.
Hooray for sleepless-ful-ish-ness. Or something like that anyway.

I was tired, but not seeking rest yet. Mind still churning away. So here's a bit of something I started toying around with.

I was watching a movie the other day, and it struck me. This movie so spoke to me, so captured something in me and reflected it back that I thought, "I could show this...
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Chasing Amy! Yes! Easily the best Kevin smith movie. Very real.
There's a moment in Swingers too, the leaving the answerphone message scene. I've been that guy, not knowing if i've said too much, or too little. And the look on his face when its over? Captured perfectly. No words necessary.
Will have to check Josie then too.

And now? just hoping that we can make our own movie moments in future.
You came over.

Thank you. With just that, just your mere presence (though truth be told, calling your presence anything but absolutely invigorating is a crime) you made my whole night. You couldn't stay, but oh how I wanted to beg you to. I saved us both the silly moment and refrained.

Just having you here for a time was enough to help my heart...
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Holy shit, i hear those words. I know them.
It's like an addiction, all consuming.
And life will never be the same again.

It almost seems lame after reading that to just say "have a good weekend", but i hope you do have anyway.
Forever. <3
I have no comfort food. This is a dangerous problem you see. Because I'm fairly certain as of the second, comfort is something I could do with having more of.

I think I got Dear Johned by Dani. Which is good, I mean it was a long time coming and probably necessary at this point. We've talked. Sort of. She loves her husband and she's...
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Sorry man. Wish i knew what else to say.
I don't know. I will say i totally admire what you did, and hopefully we'll get to see you come back stronger.
Good luck at school too.
I do wonder if i had the ability to erase these past few months, whether i would or not. Probably not i say. I mean despite a few words that should never have been said, i don't think we should change anything. Following our heart is something to be proud of i reckon. It doesn't always feel like it, but it must be better than being tied up with regrets right?
I'm not sure what happens from here but i'm sure we'd do it again in an instant.

As for today, i'm gonna order Say anything on blu ray. Because John cusack always had the answers.
You know those giant red PANIC buttons? The ones that you only press in emergencies? Yeah, someone find me one of those and fucking push it already. Because I am in panic mode. There were developments, things happened.

Dani. Oh, Dani. Danielle. Oh my.

There's this distinct possibility that I agreed to go with her to Dragon Con. She's going to book the hotel room...
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I fully endorse this.
I like this. This is how life should be.
I think they sell panic buttons in japan actually.
Seriously, you've got this far, this HAS to happen. I wish you the best man, you're doing what a lot of us other guys wish we could do.

PS. any tips? wink
Tonight I find myself made not of steel. But of rage. I. Am. Made. Of. RAGE.

There is a burning anger in my heart tonight. I can pinpoint a few small sparks that added to the inferno. I can't find who brought all the dry tinder though. The one source of my stoked rage, my pure insatiable battle lust, that I cannot find. So I...
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Np, when I like something I always want people to know it smile And you are a great writer smile
You have to let it out. There has to be a time when you say "you know what? i owe it to myself to look after No 1".
And i agree with Embla there. You write really well.
Hell, compared to your blogs, mine are like random scribblings of a madman. wink

Last time i was angry, i put on the Five finger death punch album. smile
So this is it. The last day of work. Then its off into the wild unknown for me. Turning from this life of ease and security, a job where I make good money and have great benefits, to suddenly look out and face this wide world on my own. Is it so bad I'm frightened to my very boots? Second guessing and thoughts of whether...
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Do it man!
You know your instincts were right. This is moving forward. The longer you would have stayed, the harder it would have been.
Look at the possibilities.
And good luck!! smile
I'll hold your hand into the unknown forever.

You and me, I think that's what we're good at.
Dani, I haven't said much about her mainly because well, there isn't much to say after one says good bye and you try to settle yourself into the role of just friends. She's been in Italy and I've been here. I've had other things on my mind, like school, that has kept me distracted. But today she kind of jumped to the front again.

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Well darling, I don't have the money for a plane ticket, or it would be yours.


Is there such a thing as too nice? If something has the word 'Too' in front of it, it's like it's a bad thing. It's not.
Keep doing what you are doing. And good luck.
Finally got some sleep. Perhaps the mind is calming itself once more, returning to its dutiful hibernation until called upon. I've gotten some good bits of creativity from this wild week I've had, so with highs and lows being what they were I'll take them in stride as part of the exchange.

Two weeks of work left. I really don't want to go today, but...
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I miss comics. They just seem so damn irregular. Every week i'd pop into my local store with my little checklist to find nothing, and then somehow the following week i'd find that i'd missed an issue. Frustrating. Though i still peer in the store window from time to time. Because i know, no matter how convenient, web comics can never replace the real thing.