I recently shaved my head again, my son thinks my head feels like butter now.
Check out this awesome Mana Potion Shawn picked up at Hot Topic today:
The chick at the register told us to be careful and plan on not sleeping for days. Holy crap how powerful can this thing be?! We got four of them and might use them this weekend for our trip to Amish Country.
I'm lazy. And apathetic. I called off work today. Meh.
Got some bad news today, pookieisinlove's mom isn't doing so hot. Why do I get better and other people that are more deserving don't? I mean I'm just some bum, not someone's mom or some awesome comic book artist. In related news I had another PET scan done and the results came back clean as a whistle.
Blegh I think I'm depressed. Later SG.