Just finished watching season 4 of Doctor Who.
I fucking love David Tennant.
Donna Noble is possibly my favorite companion. I loved her, she was the most relatable and identifiable one I've seen (bearing in mind MOST of my Doctor Who knowledge is based on the relaunched series).
Now THAT'S a team I say!
But yeah the finale left me a bit emotionally drained. What an end it was. Say "cop out" all you want, I thought it was good.
I think I need a bowl of ice cream to help me cope. Brilliant!
I fucking love David Tennant.
Donna Noble is possibly my favorite companion. I loved her, she was the most relatable and identifiable one I've seen (bearing in mind MOST of my Doctor Who knowledge is based on the relaunched series).

Now THAT'S a team I say!
But yeah the finale left me a bit emotionally drained. What an end it was. Say "cop out" all you want, I thought it was good.
I think I need a bowl of ice cream to help me cope. Brilliant!
oh and Dr. Who is one of those shows i honestly want to get into but i was never home to watch it and still usually am not home so ... i never did