Alright, we'll call that weekend a winner. Box it up, lets go.
Friday night was fun, I'd been craving fish for whatever random reason. Also the idea of some Cold Stone ice cream sounded real good. So I got a hold of my sister, "Lets ride muchacha." I said to her. And we were off. I hadn't ridden a bike in years most likely (I just hoofed it everywhere close enough) so this was a lot of fun. Good exercise too. We had fun, and good food too, at the Cracker Barrel my sister works at. Also I think our waitress was really cute. My sister likes her a ton so I may just ask her if she wants to do something sometime. Like oh maybe see HELLBOY this weekend.
Saturday was one of the most fun days I'd had in a bit. I got to hang out with my best friend (the one going through a divorce right now) and just talk and goof off with him. We work different shifts now (he works first I work second) so we don't get to see each other, or even talk really, as often as we used to. We both discovered we missed each other. But we caught up and were playing off each other perfectly in sync in no time flat. And that evening we all got together for some D&D, trying to finish up our current campaign.
Good weekend, Sunday was spent with my son, or being lazy and watching movies. I was happy I finally got my stimulus check. Now I can maybe pick up THESE at the comic shop:

Yeah, those are awesome.
Friday night was fun, I'd been craving fish for whatever random reason. Also the idea of some Cold Stone ice cream sounded real good. So I got a hold of my sister, "Lets ride muchacha." I said to her. And we were off. I hadn't ridden a bike in years most likely (I just hoofed it everywhere close enough) so this was a lot of fun. Good exercise too. We had fun, and good food too, at the Cracker Barrel my sister works at. Also I think our waitress was really cute. My sister likes her a ton so I may just ask her if she wants to do something sometime. Like oh maybe see HELLBOY this weekend.
Saturday was one of the most fun days I'd had in a bit. I got to hang out with my best friend (the one going through a divorce right now) and just talk and goof off with him. We work different shifts now (he works first I work second) so we don't get to see each other, or even talk really, as often as we used to. We both discovered we missed each other. But we caught up and were playing off each other perfectly in sync in no time flat. And that evening we all got together for some D&D, trying to finish up our current campaign.
Good weekend, Sunday was spent with my son, or being lazy and watching movies. I was happy I finally got my stimulus check. Now I can maybe pick up THESE at the comic shop:

Yeah, those are awesome.