Holy Altoids on the desk Batman!
No I have no idea what that means either. I simply needed an opener and that was the one I went with.
Good news folks, I did it, I beat the cancer. My oncologist got the results from my scans and tests of the last few weeks and the news was all good. Two words: complete remission. Made my day and had I any money to my name I might have celebrated.
All I need to do now is finish up a few more chemo treatments just to make sure its all gone and then I've got me a clean bill of health. Thanks to everyone that sent positive thoughts or heck who just silently wished me well at one point or another. You all freaking rock.
Other than that I haven't got much else on the plate, its been business as usual trying to get back to work now that the lay off is over and just earning my way as best I can. Hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend (I know I had a blast despite the chemo). I miss tons of people and can't wait to call some folks and spread the word about me recovery.
Night everyone!
No I have no idea what that means either. I simply needed an opener and that was the one I went with.
Good news folks, I did it, I beat the cancer. My oncologist got the results from my scans and tests of the last few weeks and the news was all good. Two words: complete remission. Made my day and had I any money to my name I might have celebrated.
Other than that I haven't got much else on the plate, its been business as usual trying to get back to work now that the lay off is over and just earning my way as best I can. Hope everyone had a fun and safe weekend (I know I had a blast despite the chemo). I miss tons of people and can't wait to call some folks and spread the word about me recovery.
Night everyone!