The key is to always remember: you're never DYING from cancer, you're LIVING with it.
-Matt Schetter 9/29/07
So I started chemo today, took the day off work too just because. I figured I had no clue how I was going to react to the treatments so it might be smart to take day one off for any unforeseeable problems I might have. So far so good.
I have 12 weeks of FMLA to spread across the next 7 months or so in case I have a bad day. But I'm keeping a positive attitude about it, if Mike Turner can do this (twice in fact) I can do this no problem. I'm gonna pick up some old trades and graphic novels to read on days I'm not feeling to super, so woot for catching up on old comic stories I missed.
I made some jokes about shaving the Green Lantern symbol into my head if I started to lose my hair.
I could pull it off I think.
So its begun now, nothing to really be all anxious about anymore, just gotta power through and get better. Least I got some awesome friends and family around me to help me out and be supportive when I need it.
-Matt Schetter 9/29/07
So I started chemo today, took the day off work too just because. I figured I had no clue how I was going to react to the treatments so it might be smart to take day one off for any unforeseeable problems I might have. So far so good.
I have 12 weeks of FMLA to spread across the next 7 months or so in case I have a bad day. But I'm keeping a positive attitude about it, if Mike Turner can do this (twice in fact) I can do this no problem. I'm gonna pick up some old trades and graphic novels to read on days I'm not feeling to super, so woot for catching up on old comic stories I missed.
I made some jokes about shaving the Green Lantern symbol into my head if I started to lose my hair.
I could pull it off I think.
So its begun now, nothing to really be all anxious about anymore, just gotta power through and get better. Least I got some awesome friends and family around me to help me out and be supportive when I need it.