Have I perhaps found what it is that I am destined to do? The distinct possiblity exists that I have.
The story begins with my search for a copy of Countdown #51 (for those not in the know, thats actually the first issue, the series is going to countdown to #0 with an issue coming out each week). I had missed out on DC's last weekly series, 52, because I didn't know it existed until issue #38 or so, so I opted to just wait for the TPB. But I was not going to be left out when it came to Countdown! So I traveled to the most local of comic shops I frequent on new comic book day, walked right in, and was startled to see its shelfspace completely empty. My first reaction was one of shock, the book had JUST come out, how could it possibly be sold out already? Then came my initial thought: How many fucking nerds ARE there in this town? It was inspired genius, like being struck by lightning. There ARE a shit-fuck-ton of nerds in this area but any Cons are two hours or more away. So why don't we have one closer? Like in this town in fact! So thus I might have stumbled upon a quest.
Have a kick ass awesome Con in town, unifying the nerds of the area.
So it shall begin! Anyone done anything like before? I'd love to actually try to get this done, or at least figure out how to get it done. I think it could be amazing!
Well alright, time to get ready for work. How was everyone's weekend?
The story begins with my search for a copy of Countdown #51 (for those not in the know, thats actually the first issue, the series is going to countdown to #0 with an issue coming out each week). I had missed out on DC's last weekly series, 52, because I didn't know it existed until issue #38 or so, so I opted to just wait for the TPB. But I was not going to be left out when it came to Countdown! So I traveled to the most local of comic shops I frequent on new comic book day, walked right in, and was startled to see its shelfspace completely empty. My first reaction was one of shock, the book had JUST come out, how could it possibly be sold out already? Then came my initial thought: How many fucking nerds ARE there in this town? It was inspired genius, like being struck by lightning. There ARE a shit-fuck-ton of nerds in this area but any Cons are two hours or more away. So why don't we have one closer? Like in this town in fact! So thus I might have stumbled upon a quest.
Have a kick ass awesome Con in town, unifying the nerds of the area.
So it shall begin! Anyone done anything like before? I'd love to actually try to get this done, or at least figure out how to get it done. I think it could be amazing!
Well alright, time to get ready for work. How was everyone's weekend?