Good weekend! Sucks I gotta ruin it by having a Monday and going to work. tongue

Ah well it was still fun. John "The Mohawk" and I took Friday off from work and headed off to BG to hang out with pookieisinlove since I hadn't seen her in months. We arrived at her work, surprising her a bit (I don't think she took me serious that...
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Yeah the store i am at today i usually at least walk home from. But the store the meeting was at is a bit to far for me to walk from. it would have taken me about 2 hours to walk home. SO it would have been about the same.
I have this sneaking suspicion that I have some sort of version of the black death. Yeah THE plague. And its slowly killing me. Ah well lets have some fun before the end huh?

I finished Wizard and Glass a few days ago. Man that whole Dark Tower business certainly sucks you in doesn't it? I started almost immediately on Wolves of the Calla,...
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I felt the need to write, so thus here I am. Writing.

Its almost three weeks since my last chemo treatment. And I gotta say that after all this, after everything I went through, it still doesn't feel real. I still feel a bit like I'm faking it, like it was never really all that bad. I almost feel bad for what I feel like...
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HUZZAH! The celebration was a huge success! A bunch of the bestest friends a guy has came on over and brought me copious amounts of alcohol. We all then of course proceeded to drink ourselves into a state of silly.

At some point the suggestion was made for a NERF gun fight. So of course we all plowed into vehicles and off we went to...
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if you do get the starfire bust, be careful, shes really top heavy and likes to try and fall forward...
And calling it done! Last chemo treatment evar was yesterday, now I just gotta get recovered from it and I'm good to go. Clean bill of health, and I am so damn excited. There are plans being formed now for next weekend, where I am brought entire trunks full of alcohol for consuming. A year without drinking is apparently too much for anyone to allow...
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And we're down to one.

Damn its nice to be there finally. One more chemo treatment and I'm done! And I still feel a little bit like a pretender to all this stuff. You hear about people with cancer and doing the chemotherapy thing and you think of sick people. I somehow still don't feel like any of it was real. But taking away form...
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fuck yeah celebration is in order...now we just need to work me into that somewhere! eeek
Fooey I say.


Yeah thats a fucking frowny face.
Four more treatments to go! Let the countdown begin.

Quick notes: I <3 Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and rock out wiht my cock out while wielding the shock rat (Pikachu). FF12 is a blast. Raiding in WoW is also a blast.

I'm worn out, curse you chemo! Yet I'm still really excited for cons this summer, and heck for comics this weekend. And I'm totally...
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true true. this weekend!! i can't wait to come home. and yes i know you're living proof that she'll be okay...but just like i still worry about you i still worry about her too.
Great Chocolate Oranges of Freedom, Scott!

(P.S. Chocolate Oranges are in fact delicious.)

So here it is, 10 in the AM (EST of course) and I have yet to sleep. Been up for 24 hours now. Woot. Brawl comes out and we'll be picking it up in less than an hour. Then we'll be playing it. Then its off to comics, since yesterday we were...
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lol. i love you jc.

and guess what?!
i am back!!!!!
[thanks to you] tongue
Holy Altoids on the desk Batman!

No I have no idea what that means either. I simply needed an opener and that was the one I went with.

Good news folks, I did it, I beat the cancer. My oncologist got the results from my scans and tests of the last few weeks and the news was all good. Two words: complete remission. Made my...
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Well hello 2008. I hope my toast from New Year's carries. Here's to a year with less cancer!

I crack me up.

Christmas was a ton of fun. First time I've spent it with my sisters or mother since I moved to Ohio all of five years ago. It was neat. I managed to get a copy of the Simpson's movie from one of them,...
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