I have a bit of a dilemma.

I asked this girl out, I've known her for almost five years, we work together, and I think she's total fun. She said yes. Now I don't even know what to do. Its no secret (or surprise) that I haven't had a lot of dates in my time, so my own personal experience in this sort of endeavor...
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I hate not having anyone to talk to. Everything just keeps piling up. Ah well.

I'm also fairly certain I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. I'm not sure that's such a bad thing either. Maybe I'm too selfish to really be with anyone else? Loneliness sucks.

I wish I were doing something with my life, like a job I liked...
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My youngest sister needs to have birthdays more often so I have an excuse to go into Hot Topic and chat up the cute chick working there. It was easy as heck to talk to her if I said "Hey I'm looking for something for my little sister for her birthday". But ah well that is neither here nor there.

I picked up Green Arrow...
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I went ahead and saw Pineapple Express last Saturday. Hilarious. I laughed the loudest out loud that I've laughed at a movie in a long time. James Franco made that movie for me.

I got a bitchin Joker Pez dispenser. Nothing more awesome than eating candy out of a mad man's neck.

Final Crisis finally hit a chord with me. It seems like something is...
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sorry, no joke or funny story today
Yeah especially since the store is one that is considered a Dead Store that bad managers and new assistant managers (i.e. me) are assigned to. biggrin I talked to my manager there a minute ago and he was very happy and impressed biggrin

oh and Dr. Who is one of those shows i honestly want to get into but i was never home to watch it and still usually am not home so ... i never did frown kinda like Batlestar Galactica. That one i actually was DEEP into the first season and then the job i had i was never home and i fell out of it... frown
Can't complain yet.
Thanks for the add! Off to the movies shortly, also hoping my Batman begins blu ray arrives from Japan this week. Comes with a cool figure ( and no doubt a serious customs charge). Have a good weekend! smile
Ten hours until Friday! Then comes the day off, then the awesome Dark Knight movie, then hanging out with friends and partying! Excited! Work is going to go maliciously slow tonight.

I bought some crayons Tuesday. I got sent home from work early and ended up at Wal-Mart buying some groceries. And crayons just happened to be included in them. I used them to great...
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Hellboy 2 this weekend and then Dark Knight NEXT weekend. Why must time drag on so slowly?! Where's the Doctor when I need him? Probably saving all of humanity somewhen and I'll never actually hear about it but we'll all owe our lives to him forever. But I digress.

I think I figured out what I want to do with myself when I grow...
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Alright, we'll call that weekend a winner. Box it up, lets go.

Friday night was fun, I'd been craving fish for whatever random reason. Also the idea of some Cold Stone ice cream sounded real good. So I got a hold of my sister, "Lets ride muchacha." I said to her. And we were off. I hadn't ridden a bike in years most likely (I...
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Some of you may know, some may not. But I recently had my fight with cancer. I over came it thankfully, but still it scared the hell out of me. And some of you may also know about Mike Turner passing away today. The guy was my hero.

When I was first diagnosed, being the comic geek I am, I immediately thought of Mike Turner....
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i found the reeses cups at toys r us!

holy shit sweety i didnt know you had cancer... frown