I've been accused of being anorexic because of the weight I've been losing since moving to Portland. I'm also a cheap date, so my bff keeps telling me to eat more before drinking. Now, contrary to popular belief, this is a good square day from earlier this month. The growler was a gift one of my neighbors handed me in the AM (she's a saint), and inspired a groovy set of "Bachelor Meals". Besides the premium stout, the theme of the day and all days is avocado. The grill cheese is Dave's Killer Bread Blues and has muenster cheese, tomato and the green thing, the sandwich is typical roast beef, but with that magic green .. fruit? the steak and mushrooms with a butter-sauce was eaten with a piece of garlic toast with an avocado spread, and my fave is the Mcavacadohoneyhammuenster on a crisp english muffin-muffin--w/ egg
And then there's this:
And then there's this: