If one wants to drink beer tomorrow they should put it in the fridge tonight. If one wants to have some money for a motorcycle, or whatever, they should start saving for it today. If they want to be with the girl of their dreams they should keep trying...
I have had an unpleasant conversation with the girl of my dreams in which we agreed to not have any contact with one another. It wasn't my choice. What I want in the future is to be with her when I have moved to St. Louis (which is where she is) and she has finished law school. There is no possibility of that happening, not if we aren't talking anymore. Obvious, isn't it? The consequences of this decision will reverberate over the coming months and years. It had better fucking work out for me...
She agreed that her ability to talk to me (due to her school commitments) was effectively zero and wasn't going to improve. In short, I am reasonable in wanting more time from her and she simply cannot do it; we are torturing ourselves to pretend otherwise. I don't want anyone else...so it goes...
I have had an unpleasant conversation with the girl of my dreams in which we agreed to not have any contact with one another. It wasn't my choice. What I want in the future is to be with her when I have moved to St. Louis (which is where she is) and she has finished law school. There is no possibility of that happening, not if we aren't talking anymore. Obvious, isn't it? The consequences of this decision will reverberate over the coming months and years. It had better fucking work out for me...
She agreed that her ability to talk to me (due to her school commitments) was effectively zero and wasn't going to improve. In short, I am reasonable in wanting more time from her and she simply cannot do it; we are torturing ourselves to pretend otherwise. I don't want anyone else...so it goes...
Sorry hun