well havent writen in this thing for a long long time. so i guess now i as good as time as any to write something in here. well ironcrosscartel is taking off like a raped ape. i guess that is 2 sided both good and bad. my son and my ex are moving back to az im really happy about that one. get to see my son more often now. yay! got into a car accident about a month ago and am still fighting the other guys insurence company. but now i gots me a lawyer. yeeeehaaaa! sue them bastards. and i had to buy a car to get back and forth to work in so i bought a 1974 super beetle. i feel like a giant in the thing. this weekend im headed out to look at houses. im tired of apartments. movin on up to the east side. well i guess that is all for now ill try to update this thing more often. See ya!
[Edited on Aug 14, 2003]