Okay, I got The Orange Box for Christmas. I've never played Half-Life, or any other valve games, so I started with Portal, which, at this point, in my opinion is the most amazing game on the planet. And I've been humming the end song pretty much non-stop since.

VGCats made a video of the song that's just lovely.


"But there's no sense crying over...
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What's new?
code monkey like fritos
code monkey like tab and mountain dew
code monkey very simple man
with warm fuzzy secret heart
code monkey like you

Happy Christmas to you too shipmate.
thanks, my luggage did come back in a few days! biggrin
okay, this is the strangest, i'm getting fired, but like in a year.

they want to move my department to the head office in the UK, okay, that would have been waaay cool like 10 years ago, but now, sorry amigos, but it just ain't gonna happen, but i thought I would wait for the actual offer, like, how much are you going to pay...
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everyone should have a bit more peter gabriel in their lives

life carries on and on and on and on

it's just the car that we ride in
a home we reside in
the face that we hide in
the way we are tied in
and life carries on and on and on and on
life carries on and on and on
i've been here 3 years!

you gotta be kiddin' me

oh well...

I love the sound of breaking glass.

deep into the night

up too late have to get up waaay to early

power to the peeps

I like black and white
Dream in black in white
You like black and white
Run runaway

See chameleon
Lying there in the sun
All things to everyone
Run runaway
Gin CERTAINLY made me mean, and my head STILL hurts. Ugh.
See these mighty buildings
all shall be thrown down
shattered splintered splint
the earth will shake rattle and roll
the masses will go hungry
their bellies bloat
these are the birth pains
no flesh shall be spared

no flesh shall be spared
but for the elect
who then shall see him coming
the son of man
and he shall send his angels on a mission...
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i think im gonna go for it, thanks!!! even if i dont like it, ill let her submit it. ill let you guys decide if its good or not.
Almost Christmas...

So far, the place I get popcorn has changed from a popcorn place to a mediterranean place that has popcorn... a little wacky but they still had the same stuff so i sent some to my relatives, i just hope i wrote everything carefully and they don't end up with hummus flavoured.

I also believe I have outdone myself this hear with the...
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crazy times!
i hope she gets the joke too smile
im sure she will, and appreciate the humour that she is probably not getting from anyone else.

anyway, i wanted to officially thank you for the comment on my set biggrin
stop by anytime .. hehe! some new pics up in my journal too.

Happy New Year!
Me and my pikey connections, i can get you a couch in any colour you fancy. Might not be legit, but who cares, right?