one of the girls at work tells me that if you want to make god laugh tell him your plans...
so here it is...
get some sleep
wake up to the alarm
shower, shit and shine
get some breakfast
go to airport
take off
wait out hour and a half layover in chicago
take off
land in denver
grab a cab
give address
go to address
pay cabbie
enter the building
go down the stairs (guess)
talk to receptionist
walk down the hall to the right
go to the door with her name on it
stick my head in
stand in door way
at this point she will see me and push away from her desk going "ohgoddessohgoddessohgodess..."
coming around the desk she will jump into my arms
we kiss for the first time
i meet her co-workers
she gathers her things
we walk to her truck trying to keep our hands from each other
we drive
she lets me into her place
after that it's up to chaos. good slow chaos...erasing two months of frustration and phone sex
well that's the game plan thus far...wish me luck getting through airport security.
mere hours baby...
so here it is...
get some sleep
wake up to the alarm
shower, shit and shine
get some breakfast
go to airport
take off
wait out hour and a half layover in chicago
take off
land in denver
grab a cab
give address
go to address
pay cabbie
enter the building
go down the stairs (guess)
talk to receptionist
walk down the hall to the right
go to the door with her name on it
stick my head in
stand in door way
at this point she will see me and push away from her desk going "ohgoddessohgoddessohgodess..."
coming around the desk she will jump into my arms
we kiss for the first time
i meet her co-workers
she gathers her things
we walk to her truck trying to keep our hands from each other
we drive
she lets me into her place
after that it's up to chaos. good slow chaos...erasing two months of frustration and phone sex
well that's the game plan thus far...wish me luck getting through airport security.
mere hours baby...
That just brought back SOOOO many memories of the first time he came to visit me. That gave me goose bumps. I hope things work out as well for you two as they did for us. 

i dunno 'bout making god laugh, but i know you made the goddess smile, love.