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2017 was a frustrating year for me and even trying to look back on it now fills me with contempt. I suppose the biggest reason is because I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about myself and the fortitude of my own soul. I had to deal with death, stress, memories, and myself just to put it into a light nutshell that is...
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A boy wearing a ragged tunic and distressed leathers is leading an old black mare with traveling provisions on its back in the rural countryside. Walking along the trail in the mid day sun he stops underneath a tree with a convenient boulder and nearby stream. Resting on the boulder he wipes the sweat off his brow running his fingers through his hair to fluff...
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As a child some of my best memories were watching Mr. Roger's Neighborhood and The Joy's of Painting with Bob Ross. Mr. Roger's taught me trust because of his soothing charisma and stability of routine.
It's Such A Good Feeling- Mr. Roger's Neighborhood
Bob Ross taught me I could create and there were no such thing as a mistake in a creative outlet.
Books that inspired the God Hand
Destination: Void
This Immortal
Ubik- Phillip K. Dick (1969) PURCHASED 9.30.2017
Books that inspired the Struggler
The Eternal Champion
Phoenix in Osidian
The Dragon in the Sword