Just two more days untul christmas, I feel like I am a little girl all over again. My house is all decorated and cleaned. The presents are wrapped and under the tree. There is a fresh layer of snow on the ground. There is a chill in the air.

There is peace in my heart. This has been a tough couple of months but I...
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Congrats! Have a merry, merry xmas! You deserve it! And may the new year only bring more peace!

[Edited on Dec 23, 2004 1:06PM]
I have the best husband in the whole world.

I got him Playboy - just because

He got me Evanescence in Concert.

I am a lucky girl. love love love

wow that sounds fun !!

i hope you two get some alone time....

I so love mine!!

and Merry Christmas!
Christmas is in a couple of days. I have been a good girl but my wishes are not for me this year they are for those who have touched my lives in one way or another.

To those who have supported me, I can only wish that you have only good and happiness in your lives in the coming year. I have grown to know...
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At 9:30PM it is 0degrees.... It's frigging cold.

Now all I need snow.

Hey babe

got your notes via e mail.....

thanks for the note in my journal!

have a wonderful Christmas too!!
I will write soon!

Well, I have been on an unofficial vacation this week and my house is incredibly clean. My hand written journal is almost full. And overall my life is really good. Thank goodness for my father in law lending us some money or we would not be able to pay our bills.

With that being said, I have made the decision to not renew my membership...
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hey babe

no I never felt or thought you were avoiding me. I will be glad to "listen" what are friends for!!

and happy holidays to you too!

Life is great!

I have a great husband. I have great friends.

I am happy.

Buffy biggrin
I mark the 8th year I have been away from my abusive first husband. With the conviction of Scott Peterson and just the world in general and the fact that it can happen to ANYONE I thought I would put this useful information up.

If you are in a relationship like this... run as fast as you can. The hardest step is the first one...
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Saw a therapist today... holy shit... here I thought I had things figured out and not even close. The break through I had today was a major one. I realized that I had someone in my life that was filling the place of my mother and the void that she left.
Please understand that my mom is not a good person. She is sick. I...
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I had the best weekend. I spent time with my baby and one of my most favorite people. I am getting excited about Christmas. We have the most beautiful tree ever, we have a warm feeling here.
I am so happy. I realized why things have happen the way they did. It has brought me peace. I am so very very very happy. smile

I do...
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To all of us girls who have to fight.... I love you all

First I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinking I could never live
without you by my side
But I spent so many nights
thinking how you did me wrong
I grew strong
I learned how to carry on
and so you're back
from outer space
I just walked in to find...
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I will be leaving my job for about 6 weeks. It really sucks. Today, the penny dropped with my boss. He looked so sad. Like I was going to leave and never come back. I will. I hate that I will be unemployed espically during the holidays but I have to admit that it is going to be really nice to sleep in.

My hopes...
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sorry i havent really commented for a while. i hope all is well with you. enjoy your time off. kiss