Well, what a time is has been!! My Powerbook is still broken in the tech shop at my work. Its been 2 weeks already and it hasnt even been shipped off. Damn Warranties and there paperwork. Its going to take another week or so before it gets shipped off. GRRR!
Also i got a new Tat, its on my right leg on the outer part of the calf. Its an Invader Zim tat. I love it but i just got it last night so its a bit sore. I will post pics of it as soon as i can. Samhain is just around the corner. Hope people are partying!
I am still working on getting pics of my face. I am to the point were i am going to use my bathroom mirror. Anyway show me some love and give me some feedback here.
whats up with that?
Also how do i resize pics, i can do some of them by cropping them but some pics dont work b/c there isnt anything left.