WoW, has it really been since August that i posted a journal entry? Well thats how it goes when life gets busy. I still get on the site everyday i guess i just didnt have much to say. But to recap, i still work at Apple, and i love it. My 29th birthday was on Dec. 12th which was just a week or 2 ago, and today is the Winter Solstice aka Yule. Just 3 days away from Christmas.
Since my last post i have moved into a new apt by myself, so this is the first time i have ever truly been on my own. Im also selling my MINI, and getting an older car cause i cant keep up the payments with the new apt. Anyway i havent gotten a comment in a long time so stop by and show me some love.
Since my last post i have moved into a new apt by myself, so this is the first time i have ever truly been on my own. Im also selling my MINI, and getting an older car cause i cant keep up the payments with the new apt. Anyway i havent gotten a comment in a long time so stop by and show me some love.
thanks for the comment on my new set! 

random hello