Here is my end of Sep recap. So most of sept went good, except for being unemployed. I finally got me a job at the end of Sep. I now work for OfficeMax in there print center as a desktop publisher, which means i create business cards, flyers, etc. and when nessasary recreate old documents for people. Its pretty good job but its only part time for now. I also finally sold my old mustang. Which brings me even closer getting my MINI Cooper. SG Live came through my town on Oct. 3rd but i missed it
Oh well hopefully there will always be next year. I am working on putting together a Harry Potter Ravenclaw costume but having trouble finding a suitable robe maker that can get it done in time. I have everything else already to go.
On another note i need your opinion. I currently have 1/2" spacers in my lobes. Now since i have had them my parents (of course) havent been to accepting of them, and others around me have thought it was weird but i never cared cause i dont care about other peoples opinion. My new job doesnt allow piercings so i have to take them out everyday, and the girl i am seeing now doesnt really care but honestly she thinks its alittle strange. So i have been toying with the idea of going back down in gauge. Not taking them out like some people would do but just put smaller guage spacers in and let it shrink back down. This may take awhile but i am not sure it is just a phase or if it really is for the best to go down to like a 0 gauge or something smaller. I guess a part of me just feels like i am giving in and i dont want to do that. I want your opinions on it.

On another note i need your opinion. I currently have 1/2" spacers in my lobes. Now since i have had them my parents (of course) havent been to accepting of them, and others around me have thought it was weird but i never cared cause i dont care about other peoples opinion. My new job doesnt allow piercings so i have to take them out everyday, and the girl i am seeing now doesnt really care but honestly she thinks its alittle strange. So i have been toying with the idea of going back down in gauge. Not taking them out like some people would do but just put smaller guage spacers in and let it shrink back down. This may take awhile but i am not sure it is just a phase or if it really is for the best to go down to like a 0 gauge or something smaller. I guess a part of me just feels like i am giving in and i dont want to do that. I want your opinions on it.
thanks for letting me know, I havent had internet acess all week!
nice flogging molly shirt.