So, con was this weekend. I guess that's the big story for the week.
That's the main update, The A-plot of my life, if you will, but what I have really been dwelling on for the past few days is this. I mean this, what I'm typing right now for the purposes specific to posting on my SG account blog.
I truly have no idea what to write, which should possess some sense of irony as I happen to be a writer. Its not that I have no ideas or nothing to say, I just dont quite know what is supposed to go on these things.
Blog is really should have a ' mark, because it is a contraction, short for Web Log and the term "log" makes me thing of: "captains log, stardate blah blah blah". Someone keeping track of daily events, but that shit ain't interesting. I mean what the hell do you want to know? Today I had beans on toast for breakfast and I changed the battery in my car.
I barely know the people on this site so why would any of them give a flying squirrel. I guess you could try to make things 'interesting', by discussing the horny details of your sex life and I suppose that's a niche and someone might be interested, but in the end it is just as pedestrian as writing about breakfast and honestly my sex life over the past few months has been nothing to right home about.
I do keep a "journal". I have dozens of them. Filled and half-filled and empty collections of scribblings and thoughts, words upon words, boxes within boxes. Often something based in life that has caused me to scratch it out on paper, but nothing, I think, that would make sense to put on a blog. So I posted some random prose shit that I had down in one of my little black books, but this doesnt really seem like the forum for it.
That of course is one of the reasons I'm trying to write more of these. Because it seems that it is though these updates and posting around forums that yr active on the site and get to know people.
Frankly though, I'm totally new to the whole blog thing. I've never kept up with anyone else and I have never managed to keep one myself. I skipped the whole live journal thing in high school and then the dead journals when live journals got too popular, but if you were to ask me, I have not a fekkin clue what the difference is. Someone made a Myspace page for me, but I've only actually seen it once and I couldnt figure out how to friend people or customize anything, so I just quit.
The term I usually use to describe the awkward position of mine is Technopeasant. For example, this weekend at Con, I met these lads (and a lass) who do a 'podcast', which, after talking to them for a spell, sounded quite interesting and I wanted to hear some of these discussions they spoke about. Then I had to man up and ask him "so, could you explain a podcast to me. I mean, I get that its like a raido show type thing, but how do I use it?". So here's me this 'hip' young twenty something trying to slut his stuff around con like he's some big up and comer in the industry and Im standing across the table from two lads who are clearly 10-15 years older than me and they're instructing me in the new-fangled technologies of the world.
So, techno peasant. Essentially designating a user of a lower class of technology. Though it should be clear I am not 'technophobic', like some. You know the type, those that worship at the feet of the analog gods. Who hang on to turntables and typewriters (which I do own) as if they were precious artifacts, because they are just more "real". That's not the reason I am dulled to shiny new toys. It is just that I have the tendency to fuck up any gizmo that was produced in the past decade - I've crashed my computer 4 times in the past 2 years.
If anyone in the DFW area is reading this PLEASE be my friend and teach me how to use this site, because I still don't get how it works.
Fancy new things do fascinate me, though. About a week ago I was playing music down in Arlington with a few friends I used to do pick up gigs with. Trying with much frustration to tune in the noise of the bar, I curse myself for forgetting to bring my tuner and Shadow
, the sound engineer, gives me his iPhone which, when resting against an instrument, serves as a tuner.
Later in the evening, I try to get the gang to play a tune we used to play. Candy remembers it, but doesn't remember how it goes (if that makes any sense) and the best I can do is noodle
through it and we need to get back to playing. So Shadow jumps on the iPhone and digs up an age old recording of it from the innnerwebs and after huddling around this Promethean like device for a bit we are able to bust out the music.
What it all boils down to is this: I'm still just getting to know people on the site and trying to make new friends here, so I doubt anyone cares about of what my daily activities consist. The best use of my blogspace then would be spent on random musing, semi-rambling strings of words like this one.
Oh and as for con... I got something to post about that later this week.
And your moment of zen