Hey all,
for all of you who I haven't had a chance to talk with, here is essentially the structure of the interview. Feel free to answer all or part of it any way you wish and please get your response to me as soon as possible. You can email or PM it to me or call if you feel it's something that you feel needs to be said directly.
My essay is due Friday so I will be taking any information you can spare until 5pm that day (One day I will get my shit together, I swear).
here it is:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
SG Interview discussion
First just a few background questions:
SG name
How long have you been part of the SG community?
What is your role at SG (model, member, writer, administrator, et al.)?
How did you learn of SG and what drew you to the site?
More personal stuffs:
What was your experience like joining the community (how were you treated? Did you start making friends fast ect)?
If your status has changed since joining (you were a fan, now a Hopeful; hopeful now Model etc) how has that affected your relationships with others on the site?
What do you feel you contribute or gain from the site?
Describe your relationship with the administration? Do you talk with them directly? Do you like/dislike decisions (big or small) theyve made in the past?
Some critics have claim that in recent years as Suicide Girls has become more of a profitable entity it has moved away from its pinup roots and now resembles something closer to glorified/fetishized softcore porn. Response? Do you feel that in your time at SG, the site has changed its direction or philosophy.
How does your interactions and relationships on the site affect your life in the real world?
Onto the heart of the matter:
MODELS: As a Suicide Girl you are the media being consumed. However, as a member of the site you are also a fan. This is a unique circumstance extremely uncommon to most forms of consumed media such as television, film, literature, music, ect in essence, you as the art and the artist have the ability to respond to your consumers. How do you think this affects the dynamic of the SG community?
FANS: Essentially the same question. From your perspective, knowing that the media you are consuming (specifically the sets) can directly interact with you, how does this change how you relate to the site in contrast to how you might respond to other forms of media?
Just something Ive observed from my time on the site. The SG community is by and large a supportive group. Browsing the sets, I rarely see an approval rating below 95% and never an ill comment or malcontent customer. As wonderful as this is, fans are supposed to be the harshest of critics. However, they appear to readily consume and praise anything that is put out. I understand (perhaps) that the sets are largely about self expression, but can it really be the case that each and every set is equally as awesome as the next?
Without more formal, critical evaluation how can any of the sets have any value at all? Even from a simple photography perspective. Many members are either professional or student photographers. Why are all of these sets seemingly immune to either formal criticism or even informal fan criticism? Youre thoughts?
Just as a point of interest; It is hard to argue that SG is not something radically different that what it was when it when it began in Portland all those years ago. It has become unto itself a subculture. what do you consider to be media of Suicide girls, the sets, the merchandise, movies, radio etc?
Just FYI, by filling this out and getting back to me you are giving me permission to quote you and use any information you provide ON THE PAGE (i.e. I'm going to go onto your profile page and quote your favorite movies or sex position. Unless you for some reason feel the need to put that in the interview) for purposes of ACADEMIC INVESTIGATION ONLY. For the purposes of citation, I will be referring to you ONLY by your SG handle. At the moment this purpose of this article is only Academic submission. However, filling thing out means I may reuse the information if I choose to have the article published in its original or any other format. All interview processes have been done in accordance with the human subject guidelines of the Austin College academic committee.
Song of the Day "guitar and pen" - the who
Thanks Guys you've been a real help!