If you read my previous blog my apartment was robbed. Some asshole or assholes broke in and took just about everything that I own and that is worth something. I filled out a police report which took forever. The cops dusted for fingerprints and found only a few. All I can do now is wait for the dumbass to try and pawn my stuff. Lucky for me I have the serial numbers for just about everything and gave them to the police as well. I am just waiting in anticipation that I might get some of my belongings back. Besides coming home to a thrashed apartment with everything a mess I am ok for the moment. I have to contact Dell and see if I can stop making payments on the laptop since it is stolen. Hopefully they will do something to help me out. This has got to be one of the worst things that has ever happened to me.

man that really sucks. but at least you have the serial numbers of everything, most people don't have that. do you know how they got in? and how they did all of this with out anyone seeing them?