My life can't get any worse right now. I don't know what the fuck to do! My apartment was broken into 2 days ago and they took everything, my computer, tv, xbox360, dvds everything. FUCK THE WORLD!

I will give a better update later when I can. Since my laptop was stolen I don't know when I can get back online except for when I...
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Sorry it took me so long, I was with out internet since Monday.

I'm so sorry to hear that, that is so horrible, what did the police say? have you heard anything yet, are you doing ok?
Update Time

Things are finally back to normal. I have calmed down and I am thinking much more clear than I was 2 weeks ago.
Work is going good. I am now a floor manager for the inbound call center. I have to admit there are alot more responsibilities then I thought. I have to say that it's a great feeling to know that I...
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Congratulations, that is great news, where do you work? I wish I liked my job.

I'm really sorry to hear about your dad, I know that has to be tuff, I have had a lot of people in my life die but not my mom or dad. how did he go?
Thank you for wishing me a happy birthday.

I'll cross my heart I'll hope to die
But the needle's already in my eye
And all the world's weight is on my back
And I don't even know why
What I used to think was me
Is just a fading memory frown
I'm another year older whoopde doo. whatever
Yesterday sucked really bad. My dad died 6 years ago and I sat at home most of yesterday in misery. Depression is a bitch. It was nice to at least see my mom for a few hours but I knew she was feeling the same. We just didn't talk about it. We had dinner at home and watched some tv. I ended up coming home...
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I'm sorry, my friend...I know what it's like to have some sucky feelings on Father's Day.

My dad passed away a little over nine years ago due to lung cancer, and Father's Day is always hard for me. Today we took my 90 year old grandpa out to lunch, though. That was nice.

I hope you feel better soon.
So busy lately in all areas of my life. I feel completely run down and out of energy. Much to my surprise yesterday I was being watched over my back by 2 of my supervisors. I looked up and smiled and continued with the client I was on the phone with. When I closed the call I felt great. The nice lady I was assisting...
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Dear God,

Thank You for Guinness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Had an awesome time with my buddies tonight, I am beyond trasshed.

I went downtwon tonight and got to hear some great music along with a special guest DJ. Fucking incredibel, I have never heard such music blended just right, shaken not stirred like the others sets tonight. Club Vintage was the place to be. Some great DJ's tonight...
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It's officially a Guinness night. Cheers to everyone, I am going to get a wee bit tipsy tonight courtesy of my best friends. wink eeek hope not to puke
I finally got some satisfaction out of my work situation. The girl who has been bugging me for no reason got written up. My co-worker Mark told me about it. I'm glad I just left the situation alone. However it would have been fun to pull a few pranks. Everything is going to be alright. smile
So I finally found out the name of the girl "Samantha" who's name we will change to "Slut" to protect her identity, who has been talking shit about me and spreading rumors. I think she's a total bitch for a few reasons. She went around the call center saying I was and "asshole" and I don't know what I am doing. She happens to be...
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I need a vacation. I also dont understand how so many people on Suicide Girls have so many friends and I barely have any. Nobody comments or anything. I just might give this up. I am also considering leaving my job. I think a co-worker is spreading rumors about me and I dont even know her name, just the cubicle she sits in. FUCK WORK!! puke
Awww, cheer up. What you need to do is post more on the boards, and maybe join more groups. That will get you noticed, and you will start making more friends.

So you're in the DJ group, eh? My boyfriend is a relatively well known DJ here in the area. He's literally 7 feet tall so he's pretty hard to miss.

Hope the encouragement helps. biggrin
I made most of my friends through the groups. If you find yourself relating to the same person over and over on threads, or they mention something you have an interest in, send them a message and/or friend request.

I know I dont have many friends on here but, I have some important news. So if you are taking the time to read this, please take the time to copy & paste it, and send this to everyone you know.

If you have read/seen my profile you know I work for one of the leading wireless companys known to man " Cingular...The NEW AT&T"...
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