well, i know alot of you are probably wondering what happened the other night...well, we didnt go out due to circumstances beyond our conrtol, but we did meet up on tuesday in boston at the staind show...problem was, i had been drinking since 8 in the morning (work took us to 6 flags, i'm not an alchy...not yet anyway
) any way, i was wasted so it doesnt really count as a date...my problem is that this girl is falling hard for me, and for some reason i cant conjure up similar feelings, i mean she is a great girl, really cool, funny, very strong willed, and i feel like i should feel something for her, but i dont think i do. i don't know if it has to do with my inexperience in this whole dating thing, or if i am just afraid of hurting her, or if i just plain don't care for her the same way she does for me.....i don't fuckin know.

Best that you should let her know...remember the whole honesty thing? You might say that you aren't feeling it...yet?