so yea..TOOL..was unbelievable, but that much was expected. it was completely different from any show i have seen them do before, but then again, every tour they have somehting up their sleeve. and that is what i love about TOOL. they do what they want, and that is why their fans love them. they take musical performance to a new level. i am sure you have all heard this before....but TOOL could be likened to pink floyd in a way...knocking down musical barriers and paving their own way but doing so without alienating their audience and still selling milloins of records. i see TOOL as a synamic that probably would not work without all members of the the vain of led probably just wouldn't work without all the orignal pieces of the puzzle but why dwell on things of that matter. it was an ubelievable show and I had a blast. cannot wait until next time.
hopefully next time!
Did he actually sing facing the audience this time?
i love that Maynards voice!
He walked away amazed and enamored. For me it was their worst show, ant yet I still loved it whole heartedly.