I feel i owe a proper update, itis the least i can do. remember that job i was going for? well i got it, i am now not only the night time disk jockey, but I am pullin double duty as the promotions director. totally stoked, i left the pizza place, and start in for real on monday, hopwfully i can figure out what i am doing by then. the best part is i will still only be working 40ish hours a week. and they are flex hours, so i dont have to go intil noon if i dont want to, and i dont want to...so i wont
i got over a 50% raise, which is good, but i am still making dick for money, haha...what do your expect out of market 138...right? ALSO, i am going to see TOOL on friday night and i have been a walking erection thinking about it. i havent seen tool since halloween of 02, and that was a life changing event..hopefully this one is comparable. even if it isnt, it is still tool. well thats all i got right now, hope you all have a great week!

i don't drink but thanks
I'd actually planned to ask you a while ago if you wanted to be a contributor to my music blog. There's linkage in my current journal. Check it out and let me know what you think.