sorry no update, probbly looking to move next weekend, april 29thish...what is a pain in the ass is that the people i am movnig with are borderline incompetant and are constantly asking me questions which the answer is obvious, or the question doesnt even need to be asked...don't want to get into it, just want to get it over with...
...on a much better note, i had a small birthday shindig at the governor's pub sunday night and it was HOOT!!! big thanks to shellymc and dorwayin for comin out and celebrating.
and yes dorwayin...there is a rather large male:female cranium size ratio difference.
hope everyone had a great easter/passover...enjoy 4/20 (i know i will...send presents)
p.s. the new tool album is unfuckingbelievable.
...on a much better note, i had a small birthday shindig at the governor's pub sunday night and it was HOOT!!! big thanks to shellymc and dorwayin for comin out and celebrating.

and yes dorwayin...there is a rather large male:female cranium size ratio difference.
hope everyone had a great easter/passover...enjoy 4/20 (i know i will...send presents)

p.s. the new tool album is unfuckingbelievable.
and i hope you had a great birthday..
You lucky bastard, you got to meet shellyMC!