cold is pretty much gone, no the snow is gonna fuck me in the ass, i have 3 promos this weekend, which is where i mkae most of my money (100 dollars for each 2 hour gig) 1 has aleready been cancelled because of the snow and the other two are probably gonna be as well...and it hasnt even started snowing yet!!! ontop of that, if they dont get cancelled i am going to have to drive, literally, all over the eastern part of this state from the very north all the way out to the cape...observe...
i will be going from 1 to 2 then from 2 to 3, 3 back to 2, then 2 to 4, and 4 back to 1, all when it is snowing or with the 15 inches of snow they predict us getting...luckily i have 4 weel drive and can steal the company gas card

i will be going from 1 to 2 then from 2 to 3, 3 back to 2, then 2 to 4, and 4 back to 1, all when it is snowing or with the 15 inches of snow they predict us getting...luckily i have 4 weel drive and can steal the company gas card

^^I'm totally using that statement as my resume header.