i need a day job, i find myself sittin on my ass until 3 pm everyday doing nothing, and i dont feel that should continue, the only problem is, i dont want a second job that requires me to do, well...work. the problem with that is that it would obviously have to be a part time job because i have to drive to the cape everyday and it would most likely only be temporary until i get full time status at the radio station. oh yea check this out:
found that here. and you can ignore the stuff about "post stern" we are doin just fine.
i already know i am a bit long winded so that is a nice confidence boost.
going out this saturday night, (first time since new years
) and coincidentally, goin t osee a band whom i saw on new years, so it should be a good time. PLUS, its a the Central Square VFW, I havent been to a vfw show in years, and this one will have the bar open!!1 sweet.
thats all
Ahhhhh, haaaaah haaaaaaaaaah! You made him cry! That's the best.