i got a new job today. working in the produce part of a store. i get to touch bananas all day long. i had a great week last week, my best friend was living with me all week and my boyfriends brother was out of town soi got to stay over everynight and fall more in love with him. i am still not too happy about the turn out of my hair, but its ok. i am going to cut it , i am just lazy and i get paid tomorrow so i think i will dye it again and then cut it. i have to see what my schedual is for this new job, but i know i dont have to work st. patricks day!! dont know what i am doing but who the fuck cares I'M FUCKING IRISH so its my holiday. im thinking beer whiskey and the boondock saints. but who knows. now i must fulfill my to do list for the day. have a great and lovely day
i love to fart!!!
i love to fart!!!
I'll be starting early (like midnight, the 16th) on our day. I pretty much try to live all year like its the 17th, but one must give credit on the day that honors the Irish in the US. Enjoy the day!